The passive-aggressive note was shared to social media to raise awareness of the insidious nature of bullying, with the warning that "age is no barrier" to the harmful behaviour.
Describing the letter as "bullying and harassment," the woman who shared the note revealed that the family of the nearly 80-year-old recipient are "furious" at how their ageing relative is being treated.
"Would it be too much to ask?" the note begins. "Would give some thought and effort into tidying up your very small section?"
"The front of your unit is very messy. There are weeds in abundance and whilst the weather hasn't been conducive to some hard effort gardening, some maintenance could easily be managed."
The letter, signed by "Daisy May and cronies", goes on to namecheck the unit's previous resident, saying that "many of us have photos of her gorgeous seasonal displays".
"Sadly, most of the shrubs and many plants that were testament to her gardening skills and love of nature have gone. Ruthlessly pulled out and disposed of. The whole garden now simply devoid colour, shape and form. It is sad to see."
The letter takes aim at old netting and chicken wire at the property and asks whether the resident had considered hiring someone to help maintain the garden.
"Perhaps not," 'Daisy May' sneered, "as it must be hard to live amongst affluence and a champagne lifestyle when on a beer income".
The personal attacks continue as the letter lashes the resident for being "socially inept" before offering a "working bee" to tackle the garden.
The person sharing the note detailed the lengths gone to by 'Daisy May', revealing the letter was posted by mail to avoid detection,
"The family of the recipient are furious considering they believed a retirement village was a safe environment for their loved one to live out her golden years. It makes me so sad to think our vulnerable elderly people are still dealing with these things."
"What a rotten lot," a commenter replied on Facebook. "That letter is so vindictive."
"I'd probably purposefully make it look even worse if it was me just to spite this vicious person," wrote another.
"You can buy champagne but you can't buy integrity or decency,: one woman noted, adding that a letter should be sent to management to "use this Karen's powers against her".
The original poster revealed that she had recently seen the garden and it wasn't messy but was a fruit and vege patch being prepared for spring.
"Not everyone likes the white rose and box hedge look. It's purposely attacking the thing she is most proud of."