The team call themselves the Crushers, a group of rugby-mad Lady Wigram Retirement Village residents who get together to watch rugby and any other sports they are interested in.
Smith said the Crushers have followed the Crusaders most recent Super Rugby season closely, attending two home games and watching the others live on TV.
He said a recent highlight for 17 of the Crushers was visiting the Southbridge house where Dan Carter grew up, seeing the goal posts on the section where he used to practice kicking, and getting a tour of Southbridge’s rugby clubrooms.

Some are ardent rugby fans and some watch less often.
Many of the Crushers played sport at a high level in their younger days, and Smith and others still get out to pass the rugby ball around.
Smith trialled for the Kiwis rugby league team, other team members played senior rugby, one played hockey for New Zealand, and two are golfers who have earned red coats for representing their clubs for more than 25 years.

Smith said members enjoy the social aspect of the group and the friendships they have made through watching rugby and other sports.
“We enjoy the discussion and the comradeship and we often talk about games that we were in and bits and pieces. It is the comradeship of having something in common, I think, that’s our biggest thing.
“Mostly, we’re averaged at over 80. The more you can keep your mind occupied and [have] friendship, it does help you.”