North Canterbury Embroidery Guild chair Nick Harrall, of Rangiora, said the group knew of three other Canterbury guilds they wanted to connect with more formally.
‘‘We were also aware that the National Guild had an extensive library of resources and connections across the country that would be helpful in stretching and guiding our own work, and in building connections and ideas for future projects,’’ she says.
The initial stitching group formed the foundation of the North Canterbury Embroidery Guild, which was established after approval and acceptance by the New Zealand Association of Embroidery Guilds.
The aim of the new guild, which is based in Rangiora, is to continue inspiring stitchers wherever they are in their stitching learning journey, and to offer a supportive, creative environment where stitchers can come together without comparison or competition to extend and build confidence and enjoyment in their stitching.
‘‘It is a lovely, caring group,’’ Nick says.
The women meet twice weekly on Wednesday and Sunday evenings at the Skurr Centre in the Rangiora A&P Showgrounds. The small initial group has now grown to 44 members.
Nick says the handy meeting place offers them an opportunity to connect regularly with new people.
‘‘We have focused on everyone is a learner and everyone is a teacher and many have commented on feeling comfortable to ask or offer support/guidance rather than relying on one or two people being able to do that,’’ Nick says.
‘‘We also encourage all levels and styles of stitching, so have a wide variety of work under way at any one time from traditional to innovative. There is a wide range of experience and skill from beginners to highly experienced stitchers, which is a marvellous way for people to learn and explore, expanding their skill and knowledge base through support and guidance from the wider group.’’
The guild is aiming to hold its first exhibition next year.
New members are welcome. For more information contact Nick via the North Canterbury Embroidery Guild Facebook page or email
By Shelley Topp