Senior centre manager Jason Marsden said the fashion show, which was first held in 2019, will feature 13 runways and 119 models, compared to about 70 models last year.
“It is massive this year. It has just grown and grown and gotten bigger every year,” he said.
About 200 VIP tickets are available which include a seat and goodie bag.
Marsden said the whole community, from young people to seniors, will be represented on stage.
“It not only features spring and summer fashion for the upcoming season from our fashion retailers, but the models are drawn from staff, friends, family and customers.
“It represents and supports diversity, as well as the community we serve.”
He said the show aims to get the community talking about it and wanting to come along.
“There is such a positive energy with the fashion show that you do not get at traditional runway shows.
“For us it is about recognising and celebrating people in our community who do so much for others.”
The Hub also called for people to nominate someone they know to get a makeover as part of its Proud to Be initiative.
The winners will get a $1000 makeover and a full styling experience during the show.
By Briar Allen