Angry neighbour attacks builders with nail-tipped plank

An angry neighbour used a nail-tipped plank of wood to attack two contractors building a fence, police say.

Senior Sergeant Anthony Bond said police were called to an address on Baird St in Dunedinat 10.55am yesterday after the alleged attack.

The 31-year-old man became angry at the two contractors who were taking down an old fence and constructing a new one.

He picked up a plank of wood with a nail sticking out and swung it at the contractors while telling them to go away.

The man then climbed over the fence with the piece of timber and started swinging again.

He made a jabbing motion with one of his swings and struck one of the victims in the face.

The man also swung the plank of wood at the other contractor which smashed him in the hand.

The nail had been sticking out and punctured the skin on their hand.

The two contractors managed to restrain the man and held him on the ground until he calmed down.

Police were then called and the man was arrested.

He was charged with assault with a weapon and with charged with resisting arrest.