Highways still closed after flooding, slips

Major sections of South Island state highways are still closed following wild weather over the weekend.

Flooding and slips that impacted roads completely isolated parts of the West Coast and the upper South Island.

Access to Nelson reopened only yesterday afternoon once travel was possible on State Highway 6 between the city and Blenheim.

But Waka Kotahi says workers will be out first thing this morning to work on repairing the same highway between Murchison and Kawatiri.

They will also be working on the intersecting State Highway 65.

More of State Highway 6 - between Lower and Upper Buller Gorge, and State Highway 63 from Renwick to Tophouse Rd have also remained closed overnight.

Current closed highways (as at 7.30am - check highways here)
• SH6 Inangahua to Westport (lower Buller Gorge).
• SH6 Murchison to Inangahua.
• SH65 from SH6 to Springs Junction.
• SH63 Renwick to Tophouse Rd.

"We know how important these routes are for South Island businesses and communities, and they will be re-opened as soon as we are able to safely do so," journey manager Tresca Forrester says.

Forrester is reminding all motorists in the region to take extra care and be aware that they are likely to encounter potholes, surface water and possibly debris on some re-opened roads, with many operating with lane restrictions or under temporary lower speed limits.

"With the massive rainfall we've just experienced, many areas will also remain highly susceptible to slips, or to further flooding if the rain returns. Please continue to keep safe and take extra care out on the roads."