Eco-warriors plant orchard at Breens Intermediate

Breens Intermediate pupils love getting out and about in the school garden.
Breens Intermediate pupils love getting out and about in the school garden.
A team of eco-warriors at Breens Intermediate have been busy planting a school orchard.
The club has been running for four years and about 30 students are involved.

Earlier this year, the team started a single-use packaging ban, and have encouraged zero waste lunches at the school.

The students have also started a worm-farm, composting system and have transformed the old sandpit into a bramble patch.

Breens pupil Sariah Orton said she enjoys the club because it will leave a legacy for future pupils.

“It’s not just for yourself, it’s for future generations,” she said.

The students planned the space for the orchard and mapped out the placement of the trees and 14 planting beds.

Four apple, plum and pear trees, two feijoa trees and a grapevine were donated to the school.

The students were taught how to safely handle the trees, dig safely to prevent injuries, how to plant in the best way for root health, and how and why they should stake the trees and use webbing to protect them.

Teacher in charge Glenda Galambos said the group accomplished a lot in two hours.

“We all enjoyed the digging and we all felt we had achieved something that will give pleasure and fruit for future Breens students,” she said.