Intersection upgrade discussion to be held on Monday

The Greers and Langdons Rds intersection. Photo: Newsline
The Greers and Langdons Rds intersection. Photo: Newsline
A plan to install new traffic lights, turning lanes, signalised pedestrian crossings and cycle lanes at the Greers and Langdons Rd intersection will be discussed at a joint community board meeting on Monday.

The joint decision meeting of the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central and Waimāero Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood community boards will be held at the Fendalton Service Centre boardroom from 4.30pm.

Consultation on the intersection upgrade closed on October 31, and feedback and staff recommendations will be available soon.

Said Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board chair Emma Norrish: “The meeting is open to the community.

"We have been pushing for a better traffic light system for a very long time, since the opening of the North Link expansion.

"Traffic flow has increased on the roads and we’re making it safer for the Greers and Langdons Rd intersection, which will also impact the Greers and Reynolds Ave intersection."

The development and expansion of the Northlink Retail Park in Northcote has also caused significant delays at the intersection, with about 29,000 vehicles or more travelling through Greers and Langdons Rds a day.