Clark is part of a trio of inspiring active women attending the Female Federation gym who all share their birthdays this month.
Isabel Mundy and Ngaire Onekawa are both set to turn 80 this month, on February 7 and 18 respectively. Clark’s 82nd birthday is on February 15.
All three powerhouse ladies regularly attend the gym, taking part in Pilates and balance classes, as well as working on their own cardio and weights routines.They are choosing to stay fit and healthy, defying the stereotype that aging holds you back from achieving an active lifestyle.
Decked out with a Crusaders tattoo and a Rugby World Cup tattoo on each wrist, Onekawa is a keen sportswoman.
She has always been active.
The mother of three children, seven grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren, played netball until she was 42. She even competed against her own daughters.
Clark has always found her energy outdoors in nature; a keen hiker, horse rider and gardener. She owns a remote cabin in Lewis Pass, and although is not climbing the nearby mountain heights, she still loves to wander through the beech trees.
Mundy used to work in her family’s fruit and tomato business which kept her strong and fit.
When she finished up working, she decided to head to the gym. She’s been attending three times a week for the past four years.
Onekawa has kept up consistent gym practice for more than 12 years. She now attends Female Federation five times a week.
Onekawa can do multiple push-ups, straight-backed with her knees up. She also said she can do side plank rotations and dips, and has completed 200m within 15 minutes on the ski erg.
Clark knows the importance of rest days. She has been attending the gym on and off since 1998, and in spite of a hip replacement taking her out of the game for a while, she is building up her practice one again. Clark enjoys chin-ups, the chest press and leg press.
“It’s a relief to find you’re still strong,” she said.

Mundy agreed: “To keep my core strong!”
Clark said: “As you get older, the physical stuff becomes terribly important and you become more aware of your body and how it works.”
“Coming to the gym is a positive step to being a strong and complete person.”
For Clark, getting to the gym is also important for the mental benefits. Her life passions have been education and theatre; in 2019, she was awarded the prestigious Drama New Zealand President’s Award, given to someone who has significantly contributed to the drama space over their lifetime.
They all share the same goal: To keep going.
There is strong camaraderie between the three women, and they love being part of the community at Female Federation.
Onekawa said she gets coffee twice a week with her new found gym friends.
“It’s a sisterhood here,” said Clark.
Jill Kennedy, their personal trainer is 64-years-old. She only has glowing reviews of the fitness levels of the three women.
“I cannot wait til I retire to be able to work out with them all.”
Clark said: “We are lucky enough to be able to work out, and so we choose to make the most of this and continue to stay fit.”