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Seaward Kaikōura Lions Club members Alison Taylor (left), Lou Smith, Rhonda Russell and Wendy Bevan. Photos: North Canterbury News / Supplied

Jakob, 7, and Dylan, 9, Ashley from Amberley called in to the Kaikōura Dark Sky Trust tent during the show last Saturday.

Carol Caley (left) and Joey Paterson promote the plight of the Hutton’s shearwater birds, which are under threat from feral cats.

Kori Vaughan was placed first in the class.

Muzzle Station took the champion’s ribbon.

Hugo Zuppicich, 8, of Cheviot, won first prize with his two-tooth ewe.

St Joseph’s Catholic School principal Judith Ford (left) and Tamzyn Reid, 12, were selling Granny Viv’s "cinnamon oysters".

There were plenty of amusements on offer at the show.

Patrick Redwood, of Seddon, and his horse Fergus prepare to compete in the round the ring events.
North Canterbury News joined the crowds at the Kaikōura A&P Show last Saturday.
President Mark Koopmans was pleased with how the day went.
He said changes made to the show layout allowed for more car parking and there are more changes planned for next year’s show.