This compares to $200,000 for Christchurch Mayor Phil Mauger, $146,838 for Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon, and $132,690 for Ashburton Mayor Neil Brown.
The Remuneration Authority sets salary rates for mayors and councillors in individual local authorities, taking into account the size of the governance role, the average time required by an elected member on a council of that size, and a general comparison with Parliamentary salaries.
The authority expects to Gazette a determination on figures for the deputy mayor and district councillors next month once it has assessed proposals from councils on how they wish their governance remuneration pools to be allocated among these positions.
Last term the deputy mayor, Malcolm Lyall, was paid $52,842, while district councillors received $44,039.
The Malvern Community Board chairperson and its members' annual remuneration remains the same this term, with $18,238 for the chair and $9119 for members. The authority has already determined remuneration for all community boards for a full year from July 1.
All elected members’ remuneration is reviewed annually. The current determination expires on June 30 next year, and a new remuneration rate may apply from July 1.