Cole, who was a board member at the club for more than 30 years and a president for just over 20 years, led the club through several major crises, including the 2008 financial crisis, the Covid-19 pandemic and the earthquakes.
Cole joined the club in 1974, before taking up leadership roles. He was voted onto the club’s board in 1990, and then appointed president in the early 2000s. He was made a life member in May last year.

Said Hornby Club general manager Tim Matthews: "I have worked with Kevin since 2021.
"He has always made sure to look out for club members, advocate for entertainment and leadership, and had a very strong belief in what the club should look like and be run.
"The award recognises the many years of effort Kevin has put into not just the club, but the Hornby Ward as well.
"I enjoyed his direct manner, and he’s one who doesn’t suffer fools."
Cole also managed the club's recent building redevelopment and relaunch.
In May, more than 140 people celebrated Cole becoming a life member.