Officers have been called to disperse large gatherings in Riccarton and Ilam over the weekends in March. Noise control officers have also seized 16 stereos.
While dispersing the gatherings about 40 individuals were issued with alcohol infringement notices and six arrests were made for offences relating to the gatherings.
Area community services manager Senior Sergeant Roy Appley said there will be a high visibility of police around "known party locations and entertainment areas in Christchurch".
Police are also working closely with Canterbury University management and security teams to ensure the safety of students on campus and residents in the surrounding streets.
On the other hand, police noted the behaviour of most party-goers around the university was good and encouraged anyone planning a party to register it on the Good One website.
Meanwhile, police issued a warning yesterday after a "slight increase in thefts from vehicles" in Christchurch recently.
Senior Sergeant Appley said police are monitoring the areas affected and working with the local community patrols.
However, he said it is important people put their own prevention measures in place to deter opportunistic thieves.
"We see the same mistakes time and time again," Senior Sergeant Appley said.
"People leave valuables in their car or leave their vehicle unlocked which gives offenders ample opportunity to take their belongings.
"Prevention is key in this space. A helpful motto to use is ‘Lock or lose it, conceal it or remove it.’”
He said anyone who witnesses suspicious activity around vehicles should phone 111 if it is happening or 105 after the fact.
"It is important that every incident of theft from cars is reported to police so that police can appropriate resources effectively and aim to prevent more in the future.
"Supplying video footage of the incident is also helpful to police after the offence has taken place.
Tips for safe partying:
- Look out for your friends - if you arrive together at an event, make a plan to leave together.
- Have a glass of water or other beverage between alcoholic drinks - don't overdo it.
- Make sure you eat some food if you are drinking.
- Keep an eye on those drinks and your bag or wallet, or let your friends mind your gear if you need to go the toilet.
- Have a designated driver, or put aside money for a taxi or bus.
- If you plan to walk late at night, walk in pairs or groups, either way, have a plan for getting home safely.
- Make sure your phone is fully charged and keep it safe, so you can use it to get home.
Tips for preventing vehicle theft and break-ins:
- Invest in a steering wheel lock to show thieves you have security in place and make them less likely to target your vehicle.
- Put a prevention sticker on your window or flashing LEDs on the dashboard.
- Always lock your car, even when you are parked in your own driveway.
- Avoid leaving valuables like CDs, laptops, mobile phones, GPS devices and iPods in your car.
- If you have to leave them there, make sure they are out of sight.
- Try to park in well-lit areas if you park your car on the street overnight.
- Join a neighbourhood support group - the more people keeping an eye out for suspicious activity the better.