Sherina Gamayon was named Dux and Seth Kriedemann Proxime Accessit at Ellesmere College's prizegiving.
2025 Gold Level
Student Leaders
The Head Student Leaders for 2025 are: 1. Caitlin Ealam; 2. Bella-Rose Pua; 3. Finn Pullan; 4. Caitlin White
2025 Silver Level
Student Leaders
Sports: Josh Blunden
Wellbeing: Hollie Steven
Cultural: Victoria Corbett
Environment: Ingrid Aquino
Arts: Grace Anongngos
Community: Lachlan Caldwell
Social: Ava Dakers
Whanau Captain: Liam Stoliker
The Josephine Newburry Memorial Cup (awarded to the female student who shows the most effort and perseverance in technology: Ingrid Aquino (P Tech); Alicia Jane Paras (Hospitality)
The Des Kelly Memorial Cup (awarded to the male student who shows the most effort and perseverance in technology): Ty Murphy
The John Warren Memorial Cup (The best practical work in technology years 11-13): Zak Hellyar
Millar-Houston Trophy (Best academic performance in year 11-13 agriculture): Morgan Pullan
Gwatkin Cup (awarded to a senior student for diligence in social sciences): Seth Kriedemann
Ellesmere Historical Society Award (awarded to the history student who has best used research methods in the subject: Seth Kriedemann
W.G. Volckman Memorial Cup (awarded to a senior student going on to tertiary education majoring in the sciences): Seth Kriedemann
Southbridge District High School Closing Committee’s Award (for effort and attitude in year 12): Ava Dakers
The Gerald Patterson Memorial Cup (awarded to a year 13 student demonstrating diligence in a range of subjects): Zak Hellyar
The Lemon Cup (for a student in year 13 physical education who has demonstrated a strong all round ability in leadership, academic success, physical skills and attitude): Daniel Van Hal
Harkerss Buses Prize (presented to students who have demonstrated commitment and dedication towards their personal academic achievement and have upheld the RISE values at the school): Finn Pullan, Ava Dakers
Lions Citizenship Award – year 13 (being a student who has best represented the school and district in 2024): Erica Johnston
SVA Student Volunteer Award (awarded to a student who has logged the highest number of service hours to the school and the wider community): Finn Pullan
Bank of New Zealand Citizenship Award (awarded to a senior student who has contributed most as a citizen of the school in 2024): Jay Nacorda
Ellesmere College Past Pupils Award (being a role model in the college community): Paige Robertson
The Gard’ner Cup (awarded to a student who has made a significant contribution to the life of the college): Caitlin White
Year 13 Deans Award (awarded to a student who has demonstrated leadership skills to benefit the school community): Jay Nacorda
The Alesha Boon Memorial Trophy (new beginnings – awarded to a student who has successfully completed a year in the Gateways programme): Taylaa Van Tongeren
Year 12 RISE Token Award: Ingrid Aquino
Year 13 RISE Token Award: Ty Murphy
Morton Mathematics Cup – year 12 (awarded to a year 12 student from mathematics or statistics who has demonstrated a passion and enthusiasm and has worked to the best of their ability): Finn Pullan
The O’Neill Cup (excellence in and the intention to continue in the field of sports/physical education): Paige Robertson
$500 Selwyn Lions Scholarship Award (awarded to a student planning to study for a tertiary qualification in the science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) fields: Alishia King
$1500 Ellesmere Lions Scholarships (awarded to a student pursuing tertiary studies who has a record of service to others): Lucy McMillan, Daniel van Hal, Morgan Pullan, Ashriel Calixto
United Building Society Academic Cup (a student in year 12 with an excellent academic record and reflecting a positive attitude to school and to study): Caitlin Ealam
Selwyn District Council Scholarships (awarded to students who are going to pursue a course of study that benefits the wider community): Archie Moroney, Paige Robertson, Ruby Moroney
Whanau Attendance Cup (presented to the whanau with the overall highest level of attendance): Rata
Puawaitia year 11-13 (given to a student who has shown strength in their own identity through enthusiasm, encouragement and support of their whanau, school and peers): Bella-Rose Pua
University of Otago Otakou Whakaihu Waka Vice -Chancellor’s Scholarship: Sherina Gamayon
University of Canterbury Mapura Bright Start Scholarship: Abbaka Tairua
Wakelin Dux Artium (presented for excellence in the arts): Zak Hellyar
Knops Dux Ludorum (presented to a student for excellence in all aspects of sport – performance, administration, officiating, coaching): Liam Stoliker
Kaitataki Wahine Taonga (awarded to a female student who demonstrates leadership in kapa haka, a role model to younger females): Mikayla Reid, Bella-Rose Pua