Day 7 of the lockdown

Here's how day 7 of the lockdown looked through the lens in Christchurch.

All photos are taken from a safe distance, and we comply with best safety practice during these trying times.

A covid-19 PPE compliant gnome outside Strawberry Fare on Bealey Ave.
A covid-19 PPE compliant gnome outside Strawberry Fare on Bealey Ave.

A happy postie delivering mail on Gilberthorpes Rd, Hei Hei.
A happy postie delivering mail on Gilberthorpes Rd, Hei Hei.

Out for a walk on Buchanans Rd, Hei Hei.
Out for a walk on Buchanans Rd, Hei Hei.

Enjoying the sun on Innes Rd, Mairehau.
Enjoying the sun on Innes Rd, Mairehau.

Keeping up the exercise on Rutland St, St Albans.
Keeping up the exercise on Rutland St, St Albans.

Busy Pak 'n Save car park at The Hub.
Busy Pak 'n Save car park at The Hub.

Redevelopment work on hold at the Hornby Working Men's Club, previously due to be completed in...
Redevelopment work on hold at the Hornby Working Men's Club, previously due to be completed in late 2020.

Nature starting to take over at Tower Junction.
Nature starting to take over at Tower Junction.

  • What is happening in your house during the lockdown? Send us your favourite recipes, fun photos or videos of you and your family having fun and staying connected -