It was wall-to-wall books as thousands of bargain-hunters sorted through the titles on offer at the BOOKarama sale in Christchurch over the weekend.
The annual three-day event, which started on Friday and finished at 4pm on Sunday, was organised by the Rotary Club of Bishopdale-Burnside.
Up to 6000 bookworms went through the doors of the Bishopdale Recreation Centre.
Organiser Garry Hampton said the team spent a lot of time making sure the books on offer were of good quality and he was impressed with the turnout.
"They're just unbelievable numbers here. So that's fantastic."
The team also added new stock at regular intervals to ensure there was always something different on the shelf.

"It's really, really good to see the children buying books and we purposely just keep them at a dollar," Hampton said.
"I'm a bit soft. If I see someone and mum's giving them some pocket money, we'll give them five dollars' worth of books for a dollar.
"It's important the young kids read books."
Not only were the books flying off the tables and shelves, the DVDs, CDs and vinyl records also proved popular.
The proceeds from BOOKarama will go towards youth and community projects in the city.
"Last year we contributed our millionth dollar from (BOOKarama) into the Christchurch community," Hampton said.
- By Geoff Sloan, made with the support of NZ On Air