Hospital emergency dept reopens

Oamaru Hospital. PHOTO: ODT FILES
Oamaru Hospital. PHOTO: ODT FILES
Oamaru Hospital closed its doors to emergency patients last night after a nationwide search failed to find a locum doctor.

Waitaki District Health Services yesterday announced the hospital’s emergency department would close at 5pm. It reopened at 8am today.

The temporary situation was due to "doctor shortages", it said in a public notice.

Patients requiring admission during the closure would be transferred to Dunedin Hospital.

It was the second time the hospital could not take emergency patients recently, two patients being sent to Timaru in late June when a doctor was sick.

Health services chief executive Keith Marshall said the health system was so stretched a roster gap could not be filled.

"We couldn’t find a locum anywhere in the country."

Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand in Timaru and Dunedin had been "hammered" and were unable to send assistance.

There were also a few gaps in the coming roster, although it was common for such gaps to be filled closer to the time, he said.

If they could not be filled, patients would be sent to whichever hospital had capacity.

It was a situation that had occurred before, he said.