Located at the head of the Pomahaka River in McEwens Bush, approximately 43km from Roxburgh and 160km from Queenstown, this property offers genuine appeal.
A ‘‘classy’’ shedding ram sparked a nearly $25,000 bidding war in Gore. Enfield Genetics and Willowglen Farms held their 4th annual Southern Shedding Sheep Sale at Gore A&P Showgrounds last week.
New Zealand fruit and vegetable giant T&G has set in motion the first commercial planting of Joli branded apples in Canterbury backed by superannuation funds.
Produce from local, ecologically-focused farms straight into shoppers’ baskets supports biodiversity, our climate and community resilience, but the groundswell of small vegetable farmers...
Getting fit for the deerhunting season could reduce severe injuries that last long after the Roar is over, and save accident compensation costs, the NZ Mountain Safety Council says.