Ways to stay connected

Russell O’Hara, of Stirling.
Russell O’Hara, of Stirling. ‘‘I come down here. I don’t get wound up in work — you get no gold medals for worrying about things.’’
Doug Ross, of Te Tipua.
Doug Ross, of Te Tipua. ‘‘I see my granddaughter Kenzie, she’s about a year old and I see her about four times a week — it’s marvellous. She’s got blond hair, blue eyes and a big smile.’’
Barney Bloxhom, of Owaka.
Barney Bloxhom, of Owaka. ‘‘I’m not allowed to go to the pub because I’ve got heart problems, so that stuffs that up, so I visit family and play golf.’’
Jeff McKenzie, of Wyllies Crossing.
Jeff McKenzie, of Wyllies Crossing. ‘‘I have a good rapport with all my neighbours and keep in contact with them. It’s important to watch out for each other and check everyone is OK.’’
Logan Moore, of Outram.
‘‘I go hunting and fishing, stuff like that.’’
Logan Moore, of Outram. ‘‘I go hunting and fishing, stuff like that.’’
Duncan McDonald, of Balclutha.
Duncan McDonald, of Balclutha. ‘‘I go to the pub — it’s the only place to sort out the world’s problems.’’
Stuart Hallum, of Hillend. ‘‘When I was younger, you just carried on, but in saying that, I had a...
Stuart Hallum, of Hillend. ‘‘When I was younger, you just carried on, but in saying that, I had a brother-in-law who [committed suicide]. He never went off the bloody farm, he just kept working. I go to Wanaka a fair bit and have for a few years, that...
Kevin Proudfoot, of Wyllies Crossing.
Kevin Proudfoot, of Wyllies Crossing. ‘‘In my case, it’s visiting saleyards and yarning to farmers — it’s contact with people.’’

The theme of Mental Health Awareness Week this year is to reconnect with the people and places which lift you up.During the campaign last week, Shawn McAvinue visited a sheep sale at Balclutha Saleyard and asked some of the crowd what places or people they reconnect with to maintain their mental health.

Need help?

  • Need to talk? 1737, free 24/7 phone and text number
  • Healthline: 0800 611-116
  • Lifeline Aotearoa: 0800 543-354
  • Suicide Crisis Helpline: 0508 828-865 (0508 TAUTOKO)
  • Samaritans: 0800 726-666
  • Alcohol Drug Helpline: 0800 787-797
  • General mental health inquiries:0800 443-366
  • The Depression Helpline: 0800 111-757