The network is helping to ease the daunting prospect for families of moving to a new community during the change of seasons.
Insights manager Sarah van Munster said the network had a volunteer team of leaders across 20 regional groups nationwide to assist newcomers.
"Settling into a new area and managing the farm can be challenging, but DWN is here to help you feel at home."
She said the organisation helped dairy farmers, team members and industry professionals come together, share knowledge and form strong connections by providing workshops and webinars.
A range of workshops and webinars provided guidance with farm skills such as herd reproduction and calf rearing and personal development such as fostering a positive farm culture as well as human resources management.
DWN also covers business and other advice such as financial planning, payroll, freshwater farm plans and nitrogen reporting. Recorded webinars go on the website.
"If you’ve relocated from another region and were involved with the DWN regional group there, you’ll be pleased to know that your new area has a group offering similar workshops and social activities, from book clubs and farm diversification to coffee catch-ups and paint-and-sip evenings," she said.