Strath Taieri kids hunting competition

There were a few surprised faces when the children beat the parents in the tug-of-war competition.
There were a few surprised faces when the children beat the parents in the tug-of-war competition.
There were a few surprised faces when the children beat the parents in the tug-of-war competition.
There were a few surprised faces when the children beat the parents in the tug-of-war competition.
Ollie Lynch, 7, and Hudson Jones, 5, enjoy a fizzy refreshment at the weigh in.
Ollie Lynch, 7, and Hudson Jones, 5, enjoy a fizzy refreshment at the weigh in.
Scott McKenzie oversees Rosa Scott, 8, in the target shooting competition.
Scott McKenzie oversees Rosa Scott, 8, in the target shooting competition.
Tayne Larson-Macaulay, 7, makes a quick time through the obstacle course.
Tayne Larson-Macaulay, 7, makes a quick time through the obstacle course.
Ruby Dykes, 9, Maisie Rae, 10, and Lucy Turner, 10, wait their turn for the obstacle course.
Ruby Dykes, 9, Maisie Rae, 10, and Lucy Turner, 10, wait their turn for the obstacle course.

Photos: Jodi Taylor


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