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Alister Ward, of Balclutha, Amy Robertson, of Kaka Point, and Steve Wallace, of Wānaka. PHOTOS: SHAWN MACAVINUE

Gandhi Lucas, of Lowburn, and Gordon Lucas, of Tarras.

Robin McKenzie, of Clinton, and Trevor Bell, of Waihola.

Boyd Tisdall, of Lee Stream, Ben Peter, of Clyde, Todd Rowland, of Owaka, and Clayton Rowland, of Waikaka.

Helping out are Linda Wallace, of Wānaka, Marion Gardner, of Puerua Valley, Vanessa Waters, of Warepa, and Tania McKenzie, of Taumata.
Competitors flocked to the 101st Warepa Collie Club dog trials in South Otago for two days ending Monday last week. Shawn McAvinue photographed some of the competitors in the clubrooms on the afternoon of the second day.