Efforts to support farmers

 An irrigation proposal is in tatters for land in the Hawarden and Waikari areas. Photo: File
Photo: ODT files
Rural groups are banding together to support farmers dealing with challenging weather conditions in Otago and Southland.

Parts of Southland received almost triple their normal September rainfall, a heavy fall of snow and a further 70mm of rain last week.

The Southland Rural Support Trust is co-ordinating a range of initiatives to help boost farmer morale.

Trust chairwoman Cathie Cotter said the bad weather had occurred during a busy time of the year and was taking a physical and mental toll.

“We’re encouraging farmers to get off-farm for a couple of hours to take a breath and reflect on how well they have coped.”

The trust, with the support of other organisations, is holding seven brunches throughout Southland starting today at Wyndham, the last one being on October 22.

Free workshops, co-funded by the Ministry of Health and Rural Women NZ, are also being held across Otago and Southland from November 9 to 13 to help rural women prioritise their wellbeing and thrive.

They are being facilitated by Southland dairy farmer and former Dairy Woman of the Year Loshni Manikam.

Thriving Southland, funded through the Ministry for Primary Industries, is hosting a free event in Invercargill on October 22 featuring guest speaker Melissa Clark-Reynolds.

Motivational speaker Tony Christiansen is also fronting a series of events in Oamaru, Balclutha, Gore and Winton in November.


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