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Liberator Jaiden Crane, 11, of Mosgiel, gets ewes ready for dog triallists. PHOTOS: SHAWN MCAVINUE

Riding champion pony Beechcroft Ticketty Boo is Greer Hazlett, 6, of Winton, led by her mother and handler Tabitha Hazlett.

Testing a dirt bike are friends Leo Brown (left) and Henry Craw, both 8, of Mosgiel.

Phil Oldfield, of Geraldine, smiles as he receives applause for his blade shearing demonstration.

Displaying the 1st place ribbon their sheep Cookie won in the pet lamb section are the Macaulay siblings (from left) Sarah, 7, Anna, 10, and William, 12, all of Dunedin.
Thousands of people flocked to the Taieri A&P Show in Mosgiel last week. Shawn McAvinue photographed some of the action.