Discussion groups are on the way out to make way for bigger events with greater impact, DairyNZ says.
Lower South Island regional manager Guy Michaels, of Invercargill, said DairyNZ launched a new strategy in June last year which included delivering events aiming to help dairy farmers remain profitable and sustainable.
At the events farm system specialists, including DairyNZ scientists and research teams, would talk about system applications.
DairyNZ was moving away from holding discussion group events which focused on dairy farmers sharing information on the day-to-day operation of their businesses, he said.

DairyNZ had delivered eight of the new "bigger, impactful events" in the South between calving and Christmas last year.
Feedback from farmers throughout New Zealand was collected to design the new strategy.
"The message that came back . . . was a real interest to have a greater focus on the future. That doesn't necessarily stop us doing some day-to-day stuff at a point in time, but the event focus has got that future lens across it," he said.
Mr Michaels said the new strategy was not a cost-cutting exercise.
"The theory is that the investment in these larger, high-quality events gives farmers access to research and science, and helps them move more quickly from discussion to action."

"Definitely. It is farmer interaction and getting off farm and hearing what other people are trying or doing."

"We have been dairy farming for 18 years and discussion groups are great but the topics tend to be at a level we have grown out of. There is a place for them for people new to the industry but I agree with having the next step to slightly more advanced subjects."

"I think it is disappointing they have gone away from it. It is a good way to social network in a rural area. Farmers can often think they are the only one in a situation and it is good for DairyNZ to hold events so you realise you’re not the only one in that boat. I think that is a big part of it."

"I will as they are good little gatherings of your neighbours. I don’t mind if they hold fewer events and attract farmers from further away to attend them, like getting a farmer from Milton to travel up to an event on the Taieri but they have tried that before and it’s a struggle to get them off farm to attend and that’s not that far away. I’d like them to keep a few discussion groups but I understand time is precious and if they want to hold these other events, then there is no point holding seven discussion groups a year and then have another five events they want to drag people to, as it’ll end up no-one will go to anything."