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Ernie White, of Gore. Retired farm worker ... ‘‘Purely to support the farmers. I’ve worked on farms all my life and I think farmers today are getting treated like shit — it’s just ridiculous and we have to take a stand.’’

Ray Broome, of Gore. Retired mailman ... ‘‘The rules and regulations are absolute bloody bullshit. This town relies on farmers, we need them, so we’ve got to look after them.’’

Gaye Joslin, of Mataura. Tree pruner ... ‘‘We prune about 7000 trees a year and on the deck of our ute is our gear — chainsaws, petrol, chaps, hard hats. We couldn’t use any of the electric vehicles they are suggesting — they wouldn’t do the miles and...

Sheep and beef farmers Trevor and Ruth Stewart, of Mokoreta, hold a “no farmers , no food” sign at a protest in Gore on Friday. PHOTOS: GERARD O'BRIEN

Kayne Smith, of Gore. Dairy farmer ... ‘‘The new tax coming in on diesel vehicles and the wintering options they are pushing on us in Southland.’’

Bianca Silcock, of Riversdale. Dairy farmhand ... ‘‘I’m starting out in the sector and the new rules are absolutely ridiculous. The tax on diesel vehicles affects me and my boss.’’

Rata Johnstone, of Gore. Retired farmer ... ‘‘All these rules and regulations don’t make sense.’’

Farmer Ian Pullar and his dog Judd, of Kaiwera, participate in the Howl of a Protest in Gore on Friday. PHOTOS: GERARD O'BRIEN
Thousands of protesters and their dogs took a stand against several Government reforms in nearly 60 towns and cities across New Zealand on Friday. Shawn McAvinue asked people driving tractors and utes what motivated them to participate in the Gore protest.