'Branches' art auction raises over $14,000

The crowd at the art auction to raise money for Wakatipu High School's Branches Camp. Photo by...
The crowd at the art auction to raise money for Wakatipu High School's Branches Camp. Photo by Christina McDonald.
More than $14,000 was raised from an art auction on Friday evening for the Branches Trust.

The trust is run by parents and subsidises Wakatipu High School's annual Branches Camp, for year 10 pupils.

Branches Trust secretary Alison Walker said it was ''delighted'' with the auction, which featured work by local artists.

''We're really grateful for all the community support.''

She said artist Peter Beadle's painting of an older shearer's hut at Branches was a particularly sought-after piece.

''There was a good bidding race going on that one.''

The trust subsidises the camp to ensure it remains an experience available to all pupils and Ms Walker said, ''We are really trying to build the fund to support students for as long as we can.''

This year's camp will be the largest and longest in the camp's 46-year history.

Branches Camp co-ordinator Ken McIntyre said as about 160 pupils would attend, an extra day of camp would be added to ensure they would have the chance to try everything.

''So, this year, Branches will be 13 days.''

Year 10 pupils will stay at the Branches High Country Station, sleeping in tents, living without power, mobile phones or computers and learning survival skills.

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