Priorities for Queenstown Lakes and Central Otago are set to be thrashed out at a pivotal meeting tomorrow, as the two growing districts eye a regional deal with central government.
In a week when a major commuter route was clogged with rush-hour traffic, an active transport advocate is urging residents to share a car at least once a week to "keep Queenstown moving".
After completing his first Coast to Coast over two days last year, Queenstown’s Tim Williams is among many graduating to the gruelling Longest Day version of the iconic multisport event this Saturday.
A tougher training regime has Queenstown pro cyclist Reuben Thompson firing on all cylinders as he prepares for what he hopes will be his best season yet.
In the wake of 'Carmageddon' hitting the Frankton-Ladies Mile Highway last week, an active transport advocate is encouraging Queenstown residents to share their car with family, neighbours or workmates at least once a week.