Our health system continues to be front of mind for everyone in Dunedin and around New Zealand, with ongoing strain on hard-working staff, long waiting lists and a redesign of our national health...
There’s no question our economy has taken a knock following the extreme weather events, but New Zealand is in a good position to get through these challenging times and come out stronger, writes...
I had the joy of celebrating my first-born son’s 21st birthday over the weekend, along with members of our reconstituted extended Rotuman-Dutch-Samoan-Indian family.
Dunedin alumnus Grant Robertson has just released Budget 2023, which will have major benefits for Dunedin families, seniors, those with chronic health conditions, and those interested in a thriving...
On Friday evening I attended the St John Ambulance awards in Dunedin to celebrate some real unsung heroes in our community, who have served between five and 50 years as volunteers for this...
I am delighted that, as local Labour MPs, we have been able to secure the best possible outcome for Dunedin and Otago’s new state-of-the-art hospital in the current fiscally-constrained environment.