New Zealand is joining the world unemployment crisis, with 9000 more people out of work, bumping the total jobless to 160,000.
Unemployment could push above the current 6.3% in the three months ended June, despite job advertisements rising throughout New Zealand in February.
Weakness in employment growth continued through the last quarter of 2011 and the outlook for New Zealand's labour market recovery remaining "gradual", ASB economist Jane Turner said.
New Zealand's unemployment rate unexpectedly rose in the third quarter, with little evidence the start of the Rugby World Cup drove an increase in casual workers to service the wave of tourists.
Unemployment stats just out show that the New Zealand jobless rate is flat at 6.6 percent, with just a 0.1 percent increase in the latest quarter.
Will we continue with approaches to social problems that fail or will we choose those that work? asks Laura Black.
Dole rules look set to get stricter with the Government signalling a crackdown on fraud and considering a shorter reapplication period for the benefit.
The labour market continues to steadily improve, judging from figures released yesterday. But an industry group is warning that cheap imports are costing local jobs.
BNZ economist Stephen Toplis wants the Government's policy-makers to get a better understanding of the way the nation's labour market is working. "There's a lot of wild and woolly stuff...
Canterbury has bucked the national jobless figures trend, the region showing a spike in the number of people on the unemployment benefit while nationally numbers are down.
About 300,000 welfare beneficiaries who are judged to be capable of work will face a day of reckoning tomorrow when the Government receives a report that recommends they be forced to look for jobs.
Unemployment would have peaked at well over 7% without the Government's multibillion investment in big construction projects, Finance Minister Bill English says.
The unemployment rate rose to 6.8% in the December quarter from 6.4% in the three months to September, as the number of people in work fell and the number unemployed rose.
Surging unemployment has given Government critics a chance to vent their anger at employment policies they say are failing out-of-work New Zealanders and are damaging the economy.
Southern social agencies can expect strong and consistent demand as the recession's enduring hangover focuses on the low-skilled unemployed, Methodist Mission chief executive Laura Black says.
Unemployment benefit numbers dropped by almost 500 for the month of April, the Government said today.
Prime Minister John Key is cautiously optimistic about the latest Household Labour Force Survey figures which show the largest fall in unemployment on record in the March quarter.
Seven redundant as Whitestone Contracting trims staff
Last week's unemployment numbers were not good news.
New Zealand's unemployment rate hit 7.3% in the quarter to December, up from 6.5%, to touch its highest level for more than 10 years - with young unemployed in the forefront of increases.