Voodoo dolls and fairy tales come to life in Sharon Singer's world. The Dunedin artist will unleash a Pandora's box of her brooding, enigmatic works in an exhibition this weekend.
Two Otago writers have been selected as finalists in the prestigious New Zealand Post Book Awards for Children and Young Adults.
Art imitates life in a play that opens in a Dunedin office building this weekend.
Dunedin television personality Dougal Stevenson jokes he has been cast to type in the latest Fortune Theatre production, Who Wants to be 100?
Dunedin artist Sam Foley will unveil more than his latest exhibition at the Temple Gallery tomorrow night.
The University of Otago has appointed Emmy Award-winning Natural History New Zealand producer Ian McGee director of film-making.
Central Otago artist Neil Driver turned his back on a career as an accountant to become a painter. Nigel Benson meets a man of many seasons.