Sir Howard's tangi

Te Papaiouru Marae surrounded by ground fog as mourners prepare for the tangi.
Te Papaiouru Marae surrounded by ground fog as mourners prepare for the tangi.
Amiria Morrison welcomes people to the marae.
Amiria Morrison welcomes people to the marae.
Whanau sit with the casket.
Whanau sit with the casket.
Lady Morrison listens as people are welcomed.
Lady Morrison listens as people are welcomed.
Pallbearers carry Sir Howard Morrison's casket from the marae.
Pallbearers carry Sir Howard Morrison's casket from the marae.
The procession.
The procession.
Pallbearers carry Sir Howard Morrison's casket from the marae.
Pallbearers carry Sir Howard Morrison's casket from the marae.
Pallbearers carry Sir Howard Morrison's casket from the marae.
Pallbearers carry Sir Howard Morrison's casket from the marae.

Scenes from the tangi of Sir Howard Morrison, held at Te Papaiouru Marae, Ohinemutu, near Rotorua. Photos by NZPA Images.


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