In an incident on Tuesday night tyre tracks were spread across multiple playing fields at Bathgate Park and the grass was ripped up.
Southern Rugby Football Club chairman Blair Crawford said the damage to the field was frustrating.
‘‘Some idiot who thinks it’s a laugh doesn’t realise how much it impacts everybody else,’’ Mr Crawford said.
It was not the first time it had happened and it was becoming a yearly occurrence.
It was time for barriers to be put up around the park, he said.
Playing on the damaged ground was risky as people, especially children, could trip in the trails left by the vehicle.
Dunedin City Council acting group manager parks and recreation Scott MacLean said the damage was disappointing and the council would ensure it was repaired as soon ground conditions allowed.
The ground could still be used for training, but only on the unaffected areas, he said.
A decision had not yet been made whether games scheduled to be played on the damaged parts of the ground would proceed this weekend.
A police spokesman said they received reports of at least one vehicle doing skids at Bathgate Park overnight.
Inquiries were being made, he said.
They did not respond a question about muddy tyre tracks leading to a house on Helena St.