Ferrum appealing ORC office block

Dunedin marine engineering company Ferrum Engineering has lodged an appeal with the Environment Court seeking the cancellation of the Otago Regional Council's designation for its new office block.

The Dunedin City Council last month approved the notice of requirement for designation, allowing the regional council to operate from the site at the Otago Harbour Steamer Basin.

Ferrum general manager Ian Kemp yesterday confirmed the appeal had been lodged, but said the company was in further discussions with the regional council.

"We're working on a way forward."

The company opposed the project because of concerns the building would adversely affect the slipway the company leases.

Last year, it took the Otago Regional Council to the Environment Court, challenging its right to use the designation process, but was not successful.

Council corporate services director Wayne Scott said the appeal would not disturb planning for the new building, but the appeal would nonetheless have implications for remedial work on Kitchener St wharf.

An engineering inspection of the wharf's deck showed it should not be used by traffic, so the council was considering bringing forward plans to replace the decking on the wharf.

However, with the appeal, Mr Scott said he could not recommend that work went ahead.

Meanwhile, demolition of the buildings on the site would go ahead, with the contract let to Hall Bros Ltd at a tendered price of $259,320.


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