Gritty questions asked of council

Gravel build-up in Southland rivers is causing trouble for some and community concerns were expressed at a recent regional council meeting.

The northeast Southland town of Waikaia was hit by the largest flood on record at the beginning of the year.

At an Environment Southland council meeting last week, councillors expressed the concern of community groups affected.

Cr Lloyd McCallum said some of the gravel movement was quite extreme.

He said it would be good to understand what it meant for those affected, and what they were dealing with.

"There’s been phone calls to me about it."

Chairman Nicol Horrell said he had also received calls after record floods in some areas.

"They are still well behind trying to deal with the last floods.

"If we don’t know, we can’t fix it."

He said bank erosion was a problem.

Chief executive Rob Phillips said it had been an important issue for the catchment team in the past month.

"There’s 150-odd inquiries and they are working with a number of different farmers ... [on] how best to manage those in the affected area."

Climate Resilience projects were approved last July, and included the upgrading and raising of the stopbanks around Gore, Mataura and Wyndham; erosion repairs on the Waiau River; and a joint application with Invercargill City Council to upgrade the stopbank infrastructure in Invercargill.

Tenders would soon be advertised.



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