Band restarting the party

Summer Thieves. Photo: supplied
Summer Thieves. Photo: supplied
It seems only appropriate a band that cut its teeth getting the party started is returning to its old stomping ground to help launch a new music venue in Dunedin.

Summer Thieves did the hard yards back in the day performing around town as a covers band. More recently, they’ve been establishing themselves in the big smoke and return south next week to help open Erricks — which has taken over the old New New New premises at the south end of Princes St.

"Drummer Johnny [Ward] and I hooked up at King’s [High School] and eventually we formed the first version of Summer Thieves with Adam [Spencer] on bass," Barton recalls.

"We played heaps together and really got to know and respect each other musically. Initially we were playing at scarfie parties and doing covers band gigs, that sort of thing. Adam came on board as our bass player and then Jarni Blair playing lead. Playing together things really gelled and we got a following. Next thing we headed to Auckland and things started happening.

"Tiki Taane helped us out by producing our first album, Warped and we started making the line-up for things like Rhythm and Vines, Bay Dreams, Soundsplash and Rhythm and Alps. This led us to expanding our line-up to a five piece, bringing in Izzy Bones on keys and lead guitar. Our next record after Warped was an EP, Bandaids and Lipstick, where I think we were really nailing our sound.

"In November 2021 we released our second album, Paradise Down the Road. By this stage we were touring like crazy, including festival supports throughout the country and we debuted in Australia with LAB."

More recently, with a new album, they’ve been headlining their own shows around the country.

"Across the summer we’ll be introducing our fans around New Zealand and Australia to the new music. It’s great to be coming back to Dunners and to help launch the new Princes St venue Erricks, on December 2nd. We’re really looking forward to meeting up with Summer Thieves fans from way back and hopefully meeting lots of new ones."

By Tony Nielson