Gravitational waves - it's all relative

An artist's impression of gravitational waves generated by the collision of neutron stars. Photo R. Hurt/CALTECH-JPL
An artist's impression of gravitational waves generated by the collision of neutron stars. Photo R. Hurt/CALTECH-JPL
After releasing his space-warping theory of general relativity in 1915, Albert Einstein predicted massive objects created ripples in space and time when they moved.

However, he thought they would be so tiny that for all practical purposes they could be ignored, explains Otago University professor of applied mathematics Jorg Frauendiener.

Because of their inconceivable size, it took almost 100 years for scientists to develop equipment accurate enough to measure them.

Then, in 2015, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory's (Ligo's) two detectors in Louisiana and Washington observed waves created from two black holes colliding. The ripples were about a thousandth the size of a proton.

Einstein's finding was proved right and astrophysicists rejoiced.

This month that finding was taken further when the observatory announced the detection of gravitational waves created from the collision of neutron stars.

The size of effect created by these waves is so tiny, ``you can not imagine'' it, Dr Frauendiener says.

Neutron stars themselves are the result of a star of a certain mass collapsing. They can be about 20km long, about the size of a decent city, but at the same time can be twice as large as our sun.

Because of its incredible density, just a sugar cube of neutron star material would weigh many millions of tons.

This week, 15 scientists from New Zealand and Australia gathered at Otago University to discuss gravitational wave findings and how they could collaborate in future research.

Otago University professor of applied mathematics Jorg Frauendiener (left) and OzGrav programme chief investigator Susan Scott talk collaboration in gravitational wave research at Otago University this week. Photo: Peter McIntosh
Otago University professor of applied mathematics Jorg Frauendiener (left) and OzGrav programme chief investigator Susan Scott talk collaboration in gravitational wave research at Otago University this week. Photo: Peter McIntosh
Chief investigator Susan Scott, from Australian gravitational research centre OzGrav, says there are incredible implications to be made from this month's announcement.

One example is it helps us better understand how heavy elements are created. The crushing gravity created by these dense stars fuses smaller elements together and bumps them up the periodic table.

``It looks like these are the production factories for gold and uranium and platinum and so on.''

Dr Scott and colleagues have been involved in studying gravitational waves for decades and were directly involved in the major findings of the past few years.

They developed and improved the instruments, making them more sensitive, and were involved in understanding the science.

Major scientific discoveries can ``often seem esoteric'' at times, but come with their technological spin-offs, and Dr Scott says there is no reason why gravitational waves should be different.

Without Einstein's theory of special relativity way back in 1905, we would not have GPS systems in our phones and cars, she says.

Even the sophisticated technology created to detect the waves, such as more powerful lasers, vacuum technology and precise mirrors, will no doubt have other applications.

``We don't know what the spin-offs will be, but we know they do happen.''

Dr Frauendiener says the main drive for researchers, however, is knowing more about the universe they are living in.

``It's because it's generally interesting. The main drive for scientists is the discovery, the main drive for governments and the people funding it is the spin-offs.''

He and his small team at Otago University are involved in the theoretical side of gravitational physics, which involves creating numerical simulations.

``Theory is cheaper than experimentation. We want to draw things together and see if there are any links we can draw with the Australian centre.''

Dr Frauendiener has applied for a grant to model tiny mountains predicted on neutron stars, in collaboration with Dr Scott.

There is some desire for detectors to be built in the southern hemisphere, although if it happened it would more likely be based in Australia than New Zealand.

These detectors are L-shaped, with each arm about 4km long. They observe the waves using the most precise and advanced laser beams and mirrors.

However, Dr Frauendiener says the detectors of the future will likely be based in space, free from the disruptions of earth.

These will use the waves to predict what conditions were like in the very early universe.

Dr Scott says this discovery is one of many that reinforces Einstein's 100-year-old theory, which superceded Isaac Newton's theory of gravity.

No longer do physicists think of that apple being pulled to the earth through gravity, but falling into a curve in the fabric of space and time.

While this theory can explain large objects, it cannot be reconciled with quantum mechanics, which can be used to understand to explain how things work on the atomic level, she says.

They will remain at odds until another Einstein comes along.

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