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ODT editor Murray Kirkness welcomes guests - behind him are Prime minister John Key and ODT reporter Timothy Brown.

Mathew Denys and Connor Seddon both from Logan Park High School.

Some of the Class Act award recipients.

Felix Taiapa, Harvey Uiti, Matawai Uitime-Nicolls and Harlam Uitime.

Some of the Class Act award recipients.

Karen Vollweiler and Raelene Jenkins, both from Milton.

Debs Humphrey and Joss Walker, both of Wanaka.

William, Ruth and Naomi Pelet.

Rachel Clark and Jacinda Morton take a selfie with Prime Minister John Key.

Matawai Uitime-Nicolls hongis with John Key.

Proud parents and friends of award recipients watch the presentations.

Prime Minister John Key makes a quip about being a paper boy for the ODT.

Proud parents and friends of award recipients watch the presentations.

Prime Minister John Key gives the thumbs up with William Pelet of Otago Boys High School.

Prime Minister John Key poses for a selfie with Claudia Paterson (left) and Harriet Keown of St Hildas Collegiate.

Anna Grimaldi of Bayfield High School talks with Prime Minister John Key as he signs her certificate.

Christopher Kearney and Isobel Ryan of St Kevin's College pose for a photo with Prime Minister John Key.

Prime Minister John Key signs an autograph for Tyler Ford of The Catlins Area School.

From left: South Otago High School principal Joanne Hutt, Bridget Craig, Anna Craig (14), Gabi Napier of Waitaki Girls High School and Damien Kitto of Waitaki Boys High School photograph the Prime Minister.

Elliot Tay of Bayfield High School receives his certificate from Prime minister John Key.

Class Act 2014 . . . Prime Minister John Key and Otago Daily Times editor Murray Kirkness with 2014 ODT Class Act recipients.
Class Act 2014 awards, Dunedin Public Art Gallery, Thursday, 14 August 2014. PHOTOS BY: Linda Robertson and Gregor Richardson.
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