Prison term for ongoing sex offences

Jamie Meadows appeared by audiovisual link in the Dunedin District Court and will be released...
Jamie Meadows appeared by audiovisual link in the Dunedin District Court and will be released after spending over five months in custody. PHOTO: FELICITY DEAR
A sex offender said he continued to view child exploitation material and violent non-consensual material because he was "bored and lonely".

Jamie Richard Meadows, 33, was sentenced in the Dunedin District Court this week to 10 months’ imprisonment after he pleaded guilty to seven breaches failing to comply with obligations as a registered child sex offender and two charges of breaching an extended supervision order.

After committing a qualifying offence in 2017, Meadows was registered as a child sex offender for life.

An extended supervision order is a measure used to monitor and manage only the most high-risk offenders, and Meadows was subject to it for the maximum 10 years.

Under both orders, the defendant was not allowed to use a device capable of accessing the internet.

Between March 1 and December 14, he breached these conditions — he was also subject to release conditions following a prison sentence for possessing objectionable material.

Following a search warrant, two phones were found under the man’s bed covers.

A search of his phone revealed he had accessed a website that published violent non-consensual content and a Facebook page of a young girl posing in swimwear and activewear.

Most of the comments on the girl’s posts were from adult men.

He said he was interested in non-consensual sexual activity because of "the level of violence involved" in the videos.

He explained he had also received child exploitation material from others, which he would watch then delete because he felt "dirty".

When Meadows was asked why he viewed the child exploitation material, he said he was "bored and lonely".

"This was wilful offending. You knew the rules, but you disregarded them," Judge Michael Turner said.

He said Meadow’s breaches related directly to the offending the order was intended to discourage.

The 10-month sentence meant the defendant would be released from prison shortly.

Once released, the extended supervision order would continue and Meadows would be in supportive, supervised accommodation.

