Move to biodegradable parking meter receipts

The Dunedin City Council is introducing biodegradable parking meter receipts to all of the city's pay and display meters.

Community and Environment committee chairwoman Cr Jinty MacTavish said the move followed two years of research and trials, including an unsuccessful attempt to use paperless receipts.

At present, 90% of the about 400 pay and display meters in Dunedin issued biodegradable receipts.

Cr MacTavish said the initiative reduced litter on beaches and sea pollution.

They had no plastic coating and could be recycled in residents' yellow kerbside bins.

Rolls of the new ticket were phased in as the plastic-coated receipt rolls were used up.

There was no extra cost involved with the new receipts, which were sourced from the same Auckland supplier.

''This great result shows how rewarding it can be - and how simple it can be - to continually refine our practices in line with our vision of becoming a zero waste city,'' Cr MacTavish said.


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