Mayors reject funding 'party central' for Queen's Wharf

Rugby World Cup fans may have to look for another "party central" after the region's mayors decided against funding a $110 million cruise ship terminal at Queen's Wharf in downtown Auckland in time for the 2011 event.

Despite a strong argument in favour of the terminal by Auckland Regional Council (ARC) chairman Mike Lee, the Auckland Mayoral Forum decided more thought was needed before plans for Queens Wharf were finalised.

Mr Lee said the decision showed a failure of leadership, but Auckland City Mayor John Banks said it was a victory for common sense.

The Government and ARC spent $20m each to buy Queen's Wharf from the Ports of Auckland, a subsidiary company of the regional council, in June last year.

Prime Minister John Key said at the time that he wanted the wharf, which has been sealed off from the public by red gates, to be "party central" for fans who could not attend the games, and that he saw the wharf "as the cornerstone of this Rugby World Cup phase of the waterfront development".

But it was not clear at the time who would pay, and after some hiccups over the lack of "iconic" designs, the Mayoral Forum today decided it wouldn't be Auckland city and district councils.

The Mayoral Forum chairman, Franklin Mayor Mark Ball, said there had been "robust" discussion but that mayors didn't think ratepayers should spend money on a new cruise ship terminal during times of economic hardship and without a wider discussion of what is best for the downtown waterfront.

"We are hugely thankful that Queen's Wharf after many generations is being opened up to the public again, but we don't think it is an appropriate time to be spending in excess of $100m on Queen's Wharf without a real good understanding of a waterfront master plan," he said.

"It has been our decision that we stand back, draw breath and decide what is the master plan, where does a cruise terminal fit in to that master plan, is it the right location and questions like that."

Mr Ball said a $29.5m Maritime Events Centre being constructed not far from Queen's Wharf would be a good spot for a "party central".

Mr Banks said he thought there could be several party centrals, among them Aotea Square, Parnell Road and Ponsonby Road.

But Mr Lee, who has a seat on the Mayoral Forum, was very disappointed.

"I feel the decision to sit on our hands and do nothing is a failure of nerve and a failure of leadership, and in terms of the forthcoming super city, not a super performance."

Mr Lee said the wharf would be opened up to the public in April and the council would discuss options with the Government.

"Queen's Wharf will be public open space and we are still determined to proceed if we can to put an elegant class of building there to serve as a cruise ship terminal and as an iconic building for Auckland."

Mr Banks said the Government should not force any development plans through without talking to Auckland ratepayers first.


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