Children’s rest-home appeal
Sir, — We ask for your valuable assistance in publishing the appeal for our Christmas Cheer Fund. We thank all our kind supporters and the public generally for their donations in previous years, and ask their support again this year. The work is to provide a temporary home for the children of poor, sick mothers who may be in hospital or elsewhere. Our home is always full. Whatever is given will be appreciated. Our wants are money donations, new and secondhand clothing of every description. Donations may be left at the office of the home, 2 Royal Arcade, or with Mr J. H. M’Farland. bookseller, next door. — On behalf of the committee, I am, etc., S. Dunkley, Manager.
Merinos arrive
A consignment of merino sheep from the Lucerndale estate, comprising 139 ewes and three stud rams, imported by Messrs Wright, Stephenson and Co. (Ltd.) from Messrs Collins and Co., Melbourne arrived here yesterday afternoon by the Canadian Government Line steamer Canadian Spinner from Adelaide. One ram and nine ewes are for a South Canterbury client, and the remainder of the consignment is for Otago breeders
Trespass in Roslyn
A boy 15 years of age appeared before Mr H. W. Bundle, S.M., at the City Police Court yesterday to answer a charge of having wilfully trespassed on two paddocks at Roslyn. Accused, who pleaded not guilty, was represented by Mr Forrester. The informant stated that one of his cows had been lamed owing to its having had stones shot at it from a catapult. The magistrate said that as the informant was not the owner of the section, wilful trespass could not be sustained. He warned the accused to leave the cows alone in future.
Scorcher in Oturehua
The hot westerly winds of the past fortnight (writes our Oturehua correspondent) have played havoc with the grass. Thursday was the hottest day experienced since February, 1920, the shade temperature reaching 98 degrees. — ODT, 1.12.1923