When stumps were drawn on Saturday night New South Wales had scored 752 runs (Kippax not out 150, Mailey not out 37). Macartney decided yesterday morning to declare, and Worker and Blamires opened Otago’s second innings. Worker did not stay long, but Blamires gave a sound exhibition for his 67. He then jumped out for a hit off Mailey, missed, and was stumped by Ratcliffe. Cecil Alloo (29) and Cherry (22) were the only other two batsmen to make a stand. Otago took two hours 36 minutes to score 164. Mailey’s slows were not at all relished by the Otago batsmen, and the googly bowler wound up with six for 41. Otago were defeated by an innings and 327 runs.

Four-day hunt for fugitive
A chase which extended over four days resulted in the arrest of William George Edwards, of Outram, on Sunday at 5pm. The police received word on Thursday that a tent at Maungatua had been broken into and goods to the value of £20 stolen; further, that a dwelling at Waipori had been entered and a rifle and ammunition taken.
Detective Lean proceeded to the scene, where he was joined by Constable Southgate, of Outram. They started in pursuit and picked up the man’s trail at Reyder's Creek, past Waipori, and at this stage Sergeant Lennan and Constables Sorrell and McCartney, of Lawrence, assisted in the hunt.
The rifle was found near Reyder’s Creek. The chase continued, and it was not until Saturday night that trace of the man was found at Clark’s road, between Waitahuna and Lawrence. He was surrounded and his arrest effected by Constable McCartney near the schoolhouse.
The fugitive will appear at the court today, when it is understood a remand will be asked for.
St Kilda water unsatisfactory
"The water we are getting out here is a positive disgrace," said Cr Longworth at the meeting of the St Kilda Borough Council last night.
"When it came to the borough through the race we never received such filthy stuff as that which now comes through the pipes. Considering that the reservoir is full and the water has a chance to settle, the supply now being used should be infinitely better than it is."
The council decided to write to the City Council complaining of the state of the water.
The germ of SH88
A proposal to endeavour to get the Dunedin-Port Chalmers road classified as a main highway was referred to at last night’s meeting of the Port Chalmers Council. The Motor Club acknowledged receipt of an inquiry from the council, and stated that when information regarding the road was to hand it would be forwarded. It was suggested that the council should send a deputation to the Main Highways Commission, and this was approved, as was also a proposal that the West Harbour Council be communicated with. The Mayor and Cr Borrie were appointed to represent the council in the matter.
— ODT, 19.2.1924 (Compiled by Peter Dowden)