Fine day at the races

The crowd in front of the totalisator on the first day of the Dunedin Jockey Club's summer...
The crowd in front of the totalisator on the first day of the Dunedin Jockey Club's summer meeting. — Otago Witness 8.1.1924
The Dunedin Cup meeting was concluded in beautifully fine weather.

The going was again hard, and the track and atmosphere conditions combined to assist in fast times. The meeting passed off smoothly and, if fields were somewhat lean in the principal events, this was principally due to the adamantine going, which found even fairly sound horses conspicuous by their absence. A pleasing feature of the day was the success which attended Sir George Clifford’s colours. He has always been a good patron of meetings at Wingatui, and so the success attending the stable was doubly appreciated. Taken all round it was a most enjoyable meeting, and could not fail to leave a good impression on those present.

Wooden bushes eliminate squeaks

A squeak which took a long while to locate by reason of its resembling one from spring shackles was eventually found to arise from the line of contact between a mudguard and its stay. Often there are packing strips of wood between these parts; the wood may shrink and thus allow a slight relative movement to cause a faint squeak synchronising with spring defection due to the irregularities of road surface. — by ‘Accelerator’

Public transport extension plans

The report to be submitted by the Tramway Committee at this week’s meeting of the City Council states that proposals provide for the following: (a) Extension, to Forbury Park via Richardson Street; (b) duplication of Caversham line via Wilkie road; (c) extension to Carisbrook via Wilkie road, and to Cargill Road; (d) extension to Lookout Point; (e) extension to Kenmure Road, Mornington; (f) extension, to Pelichet Bay and Exhibition via George Street, Frederick Street, Harrow Street, and Forth Street; (f) service to Maori Hill by rail-less car (three cars to be purchased) ; (h) purchase of three petrol ’buses; (i) contribution for bridge over Leith, Forth Street; (j) shed facilities. As already reported, the total estimates cost of the whole of the proposals is £55,800. It is mere speculation as to what additional income will result from the extensions.

Boy thief avoids removal

In the Juvenile Court (before Mr J.R. Bartholomew SM), a boy 11 years of age was charged that on or about January 11 he stole two watches and one watch chain (valued at £1 2s) and 7s 3d in money. Chief-detective Lewis said that the lad, accompanied by another lad eight years of age, went to a house in Wilkie road and, having found the key of the back door under a brick, they went in and removed the articles mentioned, thrown the watches and chain away and had spent the money. The Junior Probation Officer (Mr Lock) said that the boy’s work at school had been satisfactory but, as his mother was out working during the day, he was left to himself after school hours. Chief-detective Lewis said that the other lad had not been prosecuted on account of his extreme youth. — The Magistrate: "That was the proper course." It was with considerable hesitation that he had decided not to send the boy away from his home. He would convict the boy and adjourn the case for 12 months, the Junior Probation Officer to keep a strict watch on the home in the meantime. If the conduct there was not satisfactory the boy would be brought before the court and ordered away from home. In view of the mother’s position, restitution would not be ordered.

ODT, 11.2.1924  (Compiled by Peter Dowden)