We must leave more water in the river now
What is the point? The decision by elected councillors to allow 17 years before any takes from the over-allocated river Manuherikia must comply with a minimum flow rate deemed to be ecologically sustainable and allowing for regeneration, beggars belief.
What's the point of four years' of scientific enquiry, thorough, scholarly, and detailed preparation by Tom de Pelsemaeker and his team for the new Land and Water Plan ?
The research has shown we must leave more water in the river now. Not in 17 years.
The wider community has waited in hope for this important decision to be made by our regional councillors, once they had been informed by the science and the excellent work done by the ORC staff.
Once again, the moment for change has been passed over, while the powerful looked to the interests of a few, and the powerless ,speaking out for the voiceless, were not heard.
Pondering Peters
The Labour government have heavily invested in the current left wing fad of misinformation and disinformation, or more accurately the shutting down of contentious or embarrassing information they don’t want people to hear.
Chris Hipkins has been spreading negativity regarding Winston Peters.
He contends that Peters is a toxic and untrustworthy coalition partner, which is the pot calling the black.
The reality is that Peters and NZ First have performed well as a coalition partner when in government.
I have heard in the last two days Maurice Williamson, National and Greg O’Connor Labour, being very complimentary of the performance of Peters whilst in coalition with both parties.
They were both very impressed with Peters performance as foreign minister, where he was widely liked and respected by foreign governments.
Hipkins is being totally disingenuous in his pronouncements about Peters, in his desperate attempt to hang on to power.
Space cowboy
Christopher Luxon is promising a Space Minister if he wins. Seems apt, since he and his deputy are totally "spaced out" when it comes to their tax policy, which contains more space than there is between us and Alpha Centauri.
Fairness for animals
I applaud your compelling but disturbing editorial (ODT, 7.10.23) and your team as well for bringing to public knowledge the student initiation acts of the most vile kind to vulnerable helpless creatures subjected to horrendous pain and humiliation. This has to be sadism of the most wicked kind. My message for them is "Dunedin does not want types like you. Kindly leave".
I implore SPCA, police and university authorities to demonstrate the condemnation this deserves, criminal prosecutions and expulsions need to happen.
They must show these individuals there is no place for this behaviour in civilised society.
For the sakes of all out precious loved animal friends this must not be swept under the carpet.
Similar letters received from C Jamieson; H Giles; R Robert; M Black; C Brown. Editor
What you were voted in for, and by whom?
We are sorry to note that the complaint laid by means of a code of conduct against the mayor and another councillor, has been initiated by an elected representative (councillor).
It should be remembered that the mayor has apologised for his statement and as such the unnecessary spending which will be paid out of ratepayers money could be looked on perhaps as a witch hunt.
On the basis of an apology having been made, what is the code of conduct complaint supposed to achieve? We do not deem this to be good use of ratepayers money and most especially since the debt incurred by the DCC is being paid, interest only, to an exceedingly high degree. We have, to date, suffered a substantial increase in our rates and do not expect to have to face another rise such as this.
If the monies were spent on what they are supposed to be and put to good use, instead of what seems to be a vendetta or witch hunt, then the ratepayers and residents of DCC would be much happier.
We would expect the councillors, as elected to remember what they were voted in for and by whom.
Hard thinking
The election is looming large and the politician speak of ongoing economic growth, when in reality what is needed now is degrowth in a world that in just about every aspect is in overshoot.
Mother Earth cannot cope with the current consuming and waste, pollution, from a huge population of 7 billion people. Wrecking the biosphere for human and animal existence.
The only party talking any sense in this monumental situation is the Greens.
Think hard before the tick.
Address Letters to the Editor to: Otago Daily Times, PO Box 517, 52-56 Lower Stuart St, Dunedin. Email: editor@odt.co.nz