Board concerned road's camber creating danger

Safety issues arising from road maintenance remain a key concern in West Otago.

At the West Otago Community Board meeting in Tapanui on Wednesday, members discussed safety issues arising from people parking some distance from the kerb, as some car doors hit the footpath beside Hammer Hardware in Tapanui's Northumberland St if cars were parked too close to the footpath.

Shop co-owner Sandra Allan said she and her husband had noticed since they took over the shop last September it was very difficult for people to get out of their cars due to the camber.

"I just don't want it to get to the stage where someone gets hurt.

It's a safety issue because a lot of trucks use this street - it's a state highway," Mrs Allan said.

The New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) investigated the problem and suggested a solution, which the board felt was acceptable.

There were also concerns about road maintenance in nearby Heriot, with several large, deep potholes in Roxburgh St making it "quite dangerous", community board member John Herbert said.

The board made a submission to the council's annual plan on the holes last month.

"All we're asking for is a safe road, and to fix this problem once and for all," Mr Herbert said.

Roading was one of the major areas pruned in the long-term plan - the council proposes to put all unsubsidised seal extensions for 2011-12 on hold, and review whether to introduce them in the next long-term plan.

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