Bushyhill playground upgrade committee spokeswoman Gloria McHutchon enjoys the completed first phase of the new Tapanui playground with grandchildren and friends. PHOTO: RICHARD DAVISON
The Bushyhill playground upgrade committee was formed in response to Clutha District Council's Our Place West Otago community planning process three years ago.
The group recently completed phase one of a three-phase project to improve the Tapanui playground, at a cost of about $44,000.
Members installed two swing sets before Christmas, and rebuilt the border around the playground with timber and pegs, allowing it to be refilled with fresh woodchip recently.
Project spokeswoman Gloria McHutchon said phase one had been funded by the council and the community, and fundraising was continuing for further phases of work.
The next phase would include the installation of a basketball court and hoops, including a 3m-high concrete wall at one end to act as a backboard for tennis and other ball games.
Further council funding was available towards this phase, and a final phase to build a junior pump track, which would be supplemented by community contributions, she said.
"We're so pleased to see this first phase completed, and local families enjoying the refurbished facility.
"Part of what we wanted when we came into this was to allow the park to cater for a wide range of different age groups, and provide as much variety and choice as we can to make it a real destination for people," Mrs McHutchon said.
"We'd like to complete the basketball court before winter, and the pump track next summer."
She thanked the West Otago community for its continued generosity in supporting the project.
"Local people are always excellent at supporting community improvements, and we'll be running an ambrose golf tournament next, on February 15, to raise further funds for our next round of work here at the park.
"It's looking excellent."