Blaze engulfs Westport home

Fire crews at the scene today. Photo: Lisa Gregory
Fire crews at the scene today. Photo: Lisa Gregory
A Westport house has been razed in a midday blaze despite a full response by emergency services.

Jordan Sibley and some friends were going to lunch when they saw the house in Coates St "billowing out smoke" today. 

"We pulled over to check it out and ran up to the gate when a distressed lady ran out saying, 'My house is on fire, my house is on fire.'" 

One of the group dialled 111 and a pet dog was saved.

Mr Sibley said the medium-sized house was "pretty much gone" with "flames way above the roof".

There were some concerns over gas bottles at the residence.

The homeowner is understood to have suffered burns to her hand and smoke inhalation.

Power was disconnected by contractors and four fire engines, including one each from Granity and Waimangaroa, and 20 firefighters attended, along with police at St John ambulance service.

- By Meg Fulford