Anglers overcame the challenge of fishing in windy conditions at the weekend to enjoy good catches at the annual Lake Hawea Hotel fishing competition.
Anglers have the chance to tell their fishy stories, which may eventually be included in a booklet, through an event being planned by the Oamaru Library as part of Victorian Heritage Week celebrations from November 17 to 21.
Jeremy Wade is full of fish stories, only he's not exaggerating when he describes his latest catch.
An $8 increase in the price of an adult full-season licence has been proposed for the coming fishing season.
Otago rock lobster fishermen hope an agreement with fisheries scientists will enable them to stabilise the dramatic increases and decreases in their quota.
Heavy rain last weekend changed the fishing scene dramatically. Rivers and streams in the south and west rose rapidly, making fishing impossible on many waters and marginal, at best, on others.
River and lake conditions are compiled by Fish and Game Otago with information from the Otago Regional Council received at 9.00am on Thursday.
The fishing looks quite promising again this weekend, but then again I am an optimist so it may pay to check the websites before setting out to your favourite water.
Plans to deepen Port Otago's shipping channel, dumping the dredged material offshore, risks creating a "dead zone" which would threaten the income of local fishers, the Port Chalmers fishing co-operative says.
• The North Otago Times states that local sea fishermen wonder why Oamaru should be the only place along the sea coast infested with hordes of sharks, and sharks, too, of phenomenal size.
The effect of the not-so-summery weather last weekend was short-lived. The odd bouts of rain raised the level of some streams but within a day or two they were back to low levels.
I was starting to think I would sound like a broken record by saying that the Mataura is the place to be this weekend, but a better comparison would be like a favourite CD on repeat.
Again, there is nothing in the forecast to worry about and river conditions will remain good or even get better if that is possible.
The relatively settled weather conditions continue and the prospects for fishing keep getting better.
Professional fishing guides are more than happy to hear the Otago Fish and Game Council is strongly supporting the proposal to advance the introduction of a licence for commercial game-bird hunters and anglers.
Kevin Coutts is on a lucky streak. On Tuesday, the 74-year-old Dunedin man was told he had won a $51,000 boat in a national lottery.
Wanaka reporter Marjorie Cook was angling for a different story, but the lure of catching tuna off the West Coast proved too much of an attraction.
As the weekend approaches, most waters look fishable, although there is some rain forecast so it will pay to check the websites before making you finally decide where to fish.
Mike Weddell
Last weekend was good for fishing but this one should be even better as there has been a little rain and it has been cooler.
River temperatures have dropped into the ideal range which is between 14 and 18degC and although waters have risen slightly it is not enough to spoil things.
Fishers have been warned if they set nets in restricted areas off the west coast of the North Island they will go to court and could lose their boats, their gear and towing vehicles.
High flows in the Waitaki River over the past week are playing havoc with trout-fishing, but could bring a smile to the faces of salmon anglers.