A Mid Canterbury meat processing plant will be expanded — including a new beef chain — following its $15 million acquisition by a subsidiary of a Tokyo Stock Exchange-listed company.
A Southland-based forest investment and management company says it cannot accept responsibility for chemical residue found in hay on an organic-certified West Otago farm.
Oamaru Meats’ management has been urged to "front-foot" proposed changes at its Oamaru plant - which could affect up to 100 jobs - to reduce anxiety in the North Otago community.
The wait continues for Pacific Edge as Novitas - the Medicare administrative contractor with responsibility for the cancer diagnostics company’s US lab - has an extension to finalise or withdraw its local coverage determination.
As Jan Van Mossevelde stands in his socks in the homestead of a high country station delivering a presentation via his laptop hooked up to the family television, it is evident this is no ordinary...
The proposed acquisition of Arvida Group by US private equity firm Stonepeak injects "meaningful optimism" into the listed aged-care sector, Forsyth Barr’s research team says.
An Indian businessman who buys large amounts of New Zealand strong wool is disappointed growers are the least profitable in the supply chain and wants to see them better rewarded.
As Jan Van Mossevelde stands in his socks in the homestead of a high country station delivering a presentation via his laptop hooked up to the family television, it is evident this is no ordinary...